Conveyor Specialist

Fiveash Contracting has specialist conveyor technology that enables them to get shingle, gravel, soil or aggregate into any location. If you have hard to reach locations we have the solution. We can make difficult delivery jobs much easier for you and minimize labour costs.
The conveyor is unique to Fiveash in the South Island and means we can deliver gravel, shingle and other aggregate to many places that other contractors cannot. Call for details and we'll explain how our conveyor system works.

conveyor gravel canterbury

Conveyor delivering gravel to a site in Westmorland, Christchurch.

conveyor gravel delivery Our Fiveash Contracting conveyor system delivering shingle to foundations.

gravel delivery conveyor

Conveying gravel peas around new tanks at a petrol station in Riccarton. You see the conveyor easily reaching into the site location where they are required. No need to haul individual truckloads (or even wheelbarrow loads!) to the actual place the gravel is needed. This saves a lot of time, effort and money.


shingle delivery conveyor

 Our conveyor truck filling up gravel peas into flood protection into the Canterbury plain canal.
